Review: Avengers: Infinity War

I appreciate the place that Avengers: Infinity War holds in the Marvel universe and in culture as a whole. I do not like it.

Spoilers below, as I would like to use this to process and discuss the movie.

All agony, no payoff

About one-third of the way through the movie, Peter Quill (a.k.a. Star Lord) has to kill his crewmate Gamora in order to prevent the knowledge she holds from falling into Thanos’ hands. This was discussed between them earlier in the film, and then the moment arrives. Gamora is being held by Thanos, begging Peter to kill her. Thanos, having just retrieved the Reality Stone, just holds her there, literally daring Peter to pull the trigger. Peter agonizes for a long time, probably two minutes of screen time, before he tearfully professes his love for Gamora and pulls the trigger…

…only for his gun to squirt bubbles, Thanos having already disabled it with his Reality Stone.

It is a cruel, cruel trick for a character to have to go through an agonizing decision like this, weighing the ramifications of their decision and ultimately making a decision to go against everything they stand for, only for that decision to instantly be rendered meaningless. Peter made the decision to kill Gamora, weighing her life and their feelings against keeping important knowledge out of Thanos’ hands. He finally decides that Gamora’s wishes and the fate of the universe are more important than his feelings, but in the end he still loses Gamora, her wishes are not respected, and the fate of the universe still falls to Thanos.

This is Infinity War in a nutshell: it doesn’t matter which impossible choice the characters choose. It doesn’t matter whether Peter kills Gamora. It doesn’t matter whether Spider-Man stays at home or gets on the spaceship. It doesn’t matter whether Wanda can take the Mind Stone from Vision or not. In the end, Thanos still wins. Half the beings in the universe are still erased. There is no free will; choice is meaningless.

It's not a tragedy

It’s hard to enjoy a movie that revels in the darker aspects of its own meaninglessness like this. That’s not to say that sad movies can’t be enjoyed. Tragedies have been a staple of theater since the dawn of Western civilization. But that line of logic doesn’t apply here.

A tragedy is more than just a sad story. Tragedies, despite not having a happy ending, still have a moral. Oedipus Rex, one of the more famous tragedies, has a message of not succumbing to one’s own hubris. Despite being warned by everyone around him, Oedipus falsely believes he has beaten his fate and carries on. When his folly is revealed, he walks away a broken man, and both he and the city he ruled over grow and change as a result. In turn, we the audience learn a truth about the world that, though it hurt to watch and learn, changes us as a result.

The Avengers are not fighting fate and succumbing to hubris; they are fighting Thanos. They are fighting a being that is not a god and in fact does not want to be. They are fighting against an ideal only insomuch as that ideal is going to kill a random half of them. And they lose. There is no moral here, no great truth for the audience to learn.

In Captain America: Civil War, the Avengers lose and fall victim to the villain’s scheme; but in the end the characters grow and mature as a result. Even though Tony and Steve end the movie at odds, there is hope for reconciliation. Steve reaches out to Tony in the end with an apology and a way to contact him, and we the audience learn a lesson about loyalty and forgiveness.

In Infinity War, we don’t even get the Avengers.


There was a bit of a meme on YouTube for a while about the lack of memorable music in Marvel movies. The Avengers theme is the exception that proves the rule, tying itself to the iconic 360° shot in The Avengers when all of the Avengers—six at the time—were standing back-to-back on the field of battle for the first time.

This lack of distinctive music from the solo films is incredibly apparent in Infinity War. Several characters have grand entrances set to different motifs and themes from The Avengers. At a climactic point in the major battle in Wakanda, Thor arrives in a classic heroic entrance…

…and the theme from The Avengers starts playing.

Not present in the scene: Tony Stark/Iron Man, Peter Parker/Spider-Man (who Tony explicitly made an Avenger early in the film), Dr. Steven Strange, Drax, Mantis, and Peter Quill/Star-Lord. At the risk of channelling Archibald Asparagus, you can’t say the Avengers are assembled when the Avengers are not assembled! At the scene in question, I found myself wishing we were hearing “Immigrant Song”—a song more specifically tied to Thor’s great and powerful entrance—instead of music that evokes triumph and unity.

When the Avengers theme starts playing in The Avengers, we know that they’re going to win. We don’t know how they’re going to win, but we know it will happen. In contrast, when the theme plays in Infinity War, it is growing increasingly clear that Thanos will ultimately be victorious.

Part One

Ultimately, I have to feel at this point, that the original title of Infinity War: Part I was more appropriate. Having a “Part One” in the title denotes a sense of incompleteness. It signals to the audience that the “all is lost moment” will most likely come at the end of the film instead of two-thirds of the way through. It sets up expectations accordingly and helps prepare the audience for the film.

As-is, it’s hard to enjoy this movie. The fun moments are few and far between and are drowned out by the oppressing futility of the movie. Even an unexpected appearance by the Red Skull—a moment I would have enjoyed on its own—fell flat and was overshadowed by the content of its scene.

I look forward to part two so we can officially erase this movie from the MCU.

2/4: it’s only worth it in context, and some of that is context we don’t have.

Sad Lyrics Over Uplifting Chords

I like Owl City. This is independent of my appreciation for Owl City. At their best, Owl City has a tendency to take me back to the late nights in my humid converted-attic bedroom the summer before my sophomore year of high school. To sum up a thousand-word essay in a sentence, it was the summer I really started letting my imagination free. Needless to say, it was a very formative ten weeks.

By that measure, Owl City’s new EP Ultraviolet does not disappoint.

The first track, “Beautiful Times,” features Lindsey Stirling on the violin. The music is full, lush, and steady, matching the song’s patiently optimistic lyrics. Lindsey’s violin helps drive home the song’s theme of seeing even a “fight of my life” being “beautiful times.” It’s followed by “Up All Night,” an infectious dance song that seems to be about a missed connection, though anyone that’s had a person (or other thing) on their mind for an extended length of time can relate.

The third track, “This Isn’t the End,” deals with heavy issues including suicide, panic attacks, and abandonment. It was hard for me, personally, to see past those issues enough to judge the song musically, though it does seem to be the weakest song in the set.

The selling point of the EP for me is the last track, “Wolf Bite.” Like Owl City’s first mega-hit “Fireflies,” the song has a bit of a musical dichotomy: while the words seem to belong to a quiet, understated song, the music apparently thinks otherwise. This is something Adam himself lampshaded on his blog:

Spoiler: Owl City is 95% sad lyrics over uplifting chords.

Unlike “Fireflies,” however, I think the dichotomy is warranted on this song. While “Fireflies” is a song about being unable to sleep (and things getting weirder as a result!), “Wolf Bite” is a call for help. Instead of the focus of the song being inward, the focus is outward toward another, calling out to “show me the way.” In other words, if you get one song off this EP, get this one.

Album Rating: B+

You can stream it on Spotify or buy it on iTunes.

To Learn and Understand

I am a big picture thinker and a perpetual dreamer. I love taking an idea and fleshing out the concept, and I’m continually inspired by the potential that today’s technology affords. If I’m in a room with a like-minded person, things can really take off.

So what would happen if you put me in a room with over one hundred?

My wife and I attended Greenville Grok, a conference designed around conversations and bringing people together. It’s put on by The Iron Yard, a local startup accelerator / code academy / coworking space, and it was started by Matthew Smith who realized he enjoyed the conversations and hangout times at conferences more than the keynotes and formal talks.

While there are a couple of keynote speakers at Grok, the emphasis is on what it calls “10-20s”: ten- or twenty-minute discussions on one topic in groups of eight to ten. My groups included software developers like me, graphic designers, artists, managers, and others; and our employers ranged from hot startups to established players to freelancers. While we all possessed an interest and affinity for technology, the similarities stopped there.

The opening keynote by Kristian Andersen set the tone for the discussions to follow. He started by dispelling the notion that people need to “find what they’re passionate about,” reminding us that the actual root of the word means “to suffer.” Finding what we are built for and willing to suffer for should be the real goal, not simply picking a topic we are excited about. The topic wove its way into the discussions to follow, introducing ourselves to our groups with “What’s your name, what do you do, and what do you suffer for?”

There were a number of good questions addressed in the breakout groups, including

  • How does one deal with the transient nature of digital work?
  • What can a developer do to keep his skills polished?
  • If the internet disappeared tomorrow, what would you do?
  • What's the place for liberal arts education in learning to code?

I was also able to talk through some some of my thoughts on Netflix and television, but my biggest personal insights came from bouncing off an idea I’ve had for an educational video series. Being able to get quick feedback to help round out my abstract idea has helped give me direction for this venture. (The actual execution, of course, is still up to me.)

The fringe aspects of the conference were good too. We elected not to participate in the BMW test track activity, but the Squarespace-sponsored “hangover lounge” had Mario Kart set up, so that helped. The Vagabond Barista had a pop-up shop set up, and it was nice to have his (very caffeinated) coffee in the mornings. Even the conference t-shirt was different: local print shop Dapper Ink brought a silkscreen rig to the conference and let attendees print their own copies of the t-shirt.

This is the second Grok I’ve attended, and I will continue to attend any chance I get. I learn best by participating (or maybe I just love running my mouth), so the format of this conference means I get much more than my money’s worth. The fact that it’s put on by cool people, has cool stuff, and was held in a cool building just makes it all the more enjoyable.

See you next year, everyone!

Much Ado About Money

In light of recent jackwagonry put forth by Bank of America (and despite them abandoning said plans), the Hildreths have decided that though there's pain in our chests we still wish them the best, with a... you know the song. So where do we move our money to?

What follows is by no means a comprehensive analysis. This is a basic comparison based on our financial needs, and it is offered up in the hopes that it will be useful. It is not intended to be sound financial advice.

The assumptions are as follows: we have direct deposit. We will use the debit card constantly, but will make occasional trips to the ATM. We will be paperless as much as possible. Minimum balance requirements stink. And we would like to feel... valued.

These assumptions excluded some banks that would otherwise be considered. For example, TD Bank requires a "low" minimum balance on all their worthwhile checking accounts, and Wachovia/Wells Fargo seems to be following the same path Bank of America is going down. Also, for the two of you reading that don't know, I live in Greenville, SC, so the available banks depend on that.

Last note: the information on bailout funds can be found at ProPublica. Ready? Then let's go.

The Status Quo: Bank of America

  • Interest: none
  • Free Checks: none
  • Free ATM Usage: Bank of America only
  • Branches: Plenty
  • Online Tools: Good
  • Deposit Options: Branch, ATM
  • Bailout Received / Returned: $45B/$45B

Included as a point of reference. It's not bad, especially when you consider the cash-counting, check-scanning ATMs that have saved my bacon countless times. They got a large amount of TARP funding, but to their credit paid it all back. Now that they won't be charging for a debit card there isn't an urgent need to switch, but as you'll see, other banks offer so much more.

The Tracy Jordan: Ally Bank

  • Interest: yes
  • Free Checks: unlimited
  • Free ATM Usage: unlimited
  • Branches: none
  • Online Tools: good
  • Deposit Options: Scanner, Mail
  • Bailout Received / Returned: $16B/$3B

I want to like Ally. I really do. I mean, seriously, withdraw from any ATM, get unlimited checks, deposit from your computer, earn interest. They even offer cash back rewards for using your debit card. So what's the dealbreaker? The fact that Ally is the bank arm of GMAC, the former financing arm of General Motors. Feature-wise, they're awesome, but their bailout status doesn't inspire much confidence.

The Mom and Pop: CPM Federal Credit Union

  • Interest: with $200 minimum balance
  • Free Checks: 3 boxes per year
  • Free ATM Usage: Co-Op Network
  • Branches: a few
  • Online Tools: Barely
  • Deposit Options: Branch
  • Bailout Received / Returned: none

I've already got a savings account (and therefore a membership) with CPM, and they've been nothing but helpful. I've got no qualms about the financial stability of the organization; my hesitations lie in my ability to use them for my day-to-day banking and the quality of their online tools. They're contenders.

The Bundle: USAA

  • Interest: with $1000 minimum balance
  • Free Checks: unlimited
  • Free ATM Usage: 10 visits/month, refund $15/month in fees
  • Branches: none
  • Online Tools: excellent
  • Deposit Options: Mail, UPS Store, Scanner and iOS app (if insurance customer or have credit card)
  • Bailout Received / Returned: none

USAA insurance is like an exclusive club. The company was formed to support armed services personnel and their families, which I respect. I received my eligibility from my parents who received their eligibility from their parents who were in the military. We currently use them for auto insurance, and every conversation with every other insurance salesperson has died as soon as they found out. It's that good.

Why the long story? The best features of the USAA bank (deposit from iOS app) are only available to insurance and credit card customers. This wouldn't be an issue, except that we may soon be forced to change insurance companies due to South Carolina becoming the equivalent of e.coli-infested raw meat in the insurance world1. However, the ability to make deposits at a UPS store almost makes up for this.

The Unexpected: State Farm Bank

  • Interest: with $2500 minimum balance
  • Free Checks: first box
  • Free ATM Usage: unlimited
  • Branches: none
  • Online Tools: yes
  • Deposit Options: Scanner, iOS app, Mail
  • Bailout Received / Returned: none

Did you know State Farm had a bank? Yeah, neither did I. And feature-for-feature, they're not half bad. They've got unlimited where it counts (ATM usage), though their conditions for interest are a little high. It's hard to judge their online tools; the glimpse I was able to see wasn't particularly impressive. If we for sure wanted an online bank, they'd be a serious contender, but as it there's just not enough info out there.

The Tuxedo: South Carolina Bank and Trust

  • Interest: yes
  • Free Checks: none
  • Free ATM Usage: unlimited SCBT, refund 3/month out-of-network
  • Branches: a few
  • Online Tools: yes
  • Deposit Options: Branch
  • Bailout Received / Returned: $65M/$65M

This is the current frontrunner. They offer interest with all of our prerequisites and they have an option for using other banks' ATMs. They've only got a few branches in the area, and only one of them is convenient, and even it is hard to get to (on the second floor of an office building with no clear direction). They did receive TARP funds, but it's less than 1/100th of what Bank of America got and it was all paid back. Most impressive to me is their graphic design on their brochures and web site: it's clean, fresh, and classy. While money is not made with marketing alone, the fact is they care about their image more than other banks on this list, and that speaks volumes to me about the kind of approach they take to customer service.

That said, there are some misgivings. The 3 other ATM visits per month is never actually found on their website; that information came from the tellers at the bank. Being able to talk to someone in person is a great asset, but is having one fairly inconvenient branch that much better than having no branches at all? And while their TARP funding is significantly less than most other banks in the area, the fact that it seemed necessary is (only a little) disconcerting.

The Wildcard: Simple

  • Interest: yes
  • Free Checks: ???
  • Free ATM Usage: Allpoint network
  • Branches: none
  • Online Tools: Yes. Very yes.
  • Deposit Options: iOS app
  • Bailout Received / Returned: n/a

If you haven't heard of Simple (formerly BankSimple), get on the internet. Their approach is a little different: instead of holding your money, they act as a services company that gives you (extremely convenient) access to your money stored at a "partner bank." You still get FDIC insurance, and all your interactions are with Simple; the difference is more technical than practical. So far, they look beautiful. They promise to have a superior online experience, including being able to see your "safe to spend" balance at a glance.

So why the wildcard? Simply put, there's a lot we don't know. They haven't launched to the public yet, and their website is scarce on details. No word on their partner bank, and it appears that they'll be using the Allpoint ATM network though that's not explicitly mentioned on their website.2 No idea on paper checks (will you have to mail them from the site or can you order them?). One thing that is mentioned in their FAQ is that they currently do not support joint accounts, which kind of kills the idea a married couple using it.

What does it mean?!

Not sure. Like I said, this is a comparison based on our market and with our specific needs. If you're facing a similar decision, I hope you can use this as a jumping-off point for your own research. If you have any issues, addendums, or comments of your own, feel free to send me an email. Personally, I still have high hopes for Simple, but they can't be a contender until the service matures and gains credibility. To their credit, they know that and aren't opening the service up until they get things straight. And it didn't take Square long to get to the same point.

  1. USAA is not writing new property insurance (renters and homowners) policies in South Carolina unless you are a military family. Took me several phone calls to find that out; their website was unhelpful and so were the first 3 people I talked to. We eventually went with Allstate for renters insurance, but when it came time to get a homowners policy, guess what? They're only writing new policies in SC if you have car insurance with them. See above note on how awesome USAA car insurance is. We eventually went with State Farm, but in order to lower our deductable we need to get car insurance with them as well. 

  2. The Simple website uses the phrases "largest nationwide ATM network" and "40,000 ATMs" multiple times. Google brings up Allpoint as the first non-ad listing. 

The One I'm Waiting For

We all have those mistakes. Mine was trading in my old NES for Final Fantasy VIII. And a used copy at that. But it wasn’t Super Mario 3 that I missed the most, it was another platformer I had picked up called Kirby’s Adventure.

Flash-forward to E3 2005, where Nintendo famously let loose the first key details about Wii (then the Revolution), particularly the Virtual Console service. After wasting most of the previous weekend being led down dead ends in my search for a particular ROM, the idea of an iTunes-like store to buy and download any of Nintendo’s old games was like… well, hearing about iTunes for the first time. Finally, I could rectify my mistake from two years earlier…

Many of you are probably wondering why I pine so longingly for Kirby. What about The Legend of Zelda which you can buy now? Too long, too frustrating, and there’s the Lost Woods. What about Super Mario Brothers? Yes, I miss Super Mario Brothers too, but it’s a given. What about Metroid, Kid Icarus, or any of the other cult classics? Why Kirby?

First, Kirby’s Adventure is fun. Plain and simple. Not many games from this time period let you fly to get around puzzles, let alone absorb abilities from your enemies. Second, the game is expansive. There are at least six different worlds, each with several levels and minigames to boot. Third, powerups. One minute you’re throwing razor-sharp boomerangs, the next you’re a fireball, and the next you’re a floating UFO shooting laser beams. Don’t like what you’ve got? Press select and find a new one. But my personal favorite is the surprise ending, where [spoiler deleted] and you find out that [spoiler deleted].

My memory is failing me, so I’ll save the details for my full review. Suffice it to say that Kirby’s Adventure impressed me as not only a fun game for the NES, but also a technologically advanced game. While this wasn’t Kirby’s first game (that was Kirby’s Dream Land on the Game Boy), it was where Kirby solidified his presence as one of Nintendo’s key franchises. If you like Kirby or are just curious about his origins, then this game will certainly give you your $5.00 worth.