
2024-07-26: Finally got a solid component demo pattern for my very-in-progress UI library. So, naturally, I …

2024-07-21: Got a burst of inspiration for a point-and-click adventure, figured out ways I could build it in …

2024-07-12: Teleprompter procured. Slowly but surely I’m eliminating all the “reasons” I don’t do more videos. …

2024-07-11: Unexpected Unpermitted Parameters In Rails Based on a true story; I’ve reframed this to be about a personal project to protect identities …

2024-07-10: Recorded a test video. Used a teleprompter app to show the script while I delivered into my webcam. …

2024-07-09: Manton Reece on the last few weeks: People are worried that Biden might lose. Good, be worried. If …

2024-07-04: Downloaded 37Signals’ Writebook because free. I might try to run it locally as a Scrivener …

2024-06-28: Timed the “intro to Smolblog” talk at just under 35 minutes. I should probably shave …

2024-06-27: Is a “where’s the beef?” reference too dated?

2024-06-26: Between the coffee and the general environment, I’ve needed this deskmat cleaning guide from …

2024-06-25: Got my professionally-done resume back. Great words, but the formatting was incredibly plain …

2024-06-24: I’m not interested in competing with anyone. I hope we all make it. — Erica Cook

2024-06-17: I’ve been spinning my wheels on UI stuff for a few days now, so I finally gave up and started …

2024-06-16: OK, is there a good tool out there for running multiple containers on a server? I’m trying to …

2024-06-16: I’m starting to get good at Keynote animations. Stay tuned for my 1-minute explainer on …

2024-06-11: I had no idea the market for Intel Macs was so bad now.

2024-06-10: Open questions: How was the model for Apple’s generative images trained? How much energy is the …

2024-06-08: I can’t remember another time that I’ve avoided reading one of’s articles, …

2024-05-29: Just got laid off. Not sure what my immediate moves are, but I’m listening for opportunities.

2024-05-20: My friend’s kickstarter to make a children’s book about South Carolina plants and animals just needs …

2024-05-09: The problem with mic-dropping a zoom meeting is you don’t get to see people’s reactions.

2024-05-05: I’m working on a fictional universe… and I’m thinking of making the website a point-and-click …

2024-05-03: One thing I’m trying to learn: it’s ok to take breaks. It’s ok to be slow. Even if I already feel …

2024-04-30: I realized what irks me about some tech: the shoehorning of one tech into another (server-side JS, …

2024-04-22: Y’all whippersnappers and your Tailwinds and your server-side rendering like you’re …

2024-04-19: Really appreciated this article by Dan Moren on regulation and the App Store: Let’s not root for …

2024-04-19: Messy space, messy brain. Time to clean the office!

2024-04-10: Are there any good electric cars coming out in the USA that aren’t crossovers or straight-up SUVs? …

2024-04-06: Currently in Smolblog, I don’t like how much boilerplate there is around Content Types (and CRUD …

2024-04-05: From Trevor Flowers: I wish more people who are worried about FOSS supply side attacks would …

2024-03-24: Interesting choice for ESPN to add commercial breaks (“we’ll pick up right where we left off”) to an …

2024-03-23: Just sent out the first set of private beta invites for Smolblog. 😬

2024-03-20: I will have made the first public post about Smolblog five years ago this May. Let’s see if I can’t …

2024-03-15: And it’s not even consistent? Like my logs are full of rejected inbox requests because the Delete …

2024-03-15: ActivityPub might not be complicated, but trying to figure out all the little nitpicks with Mastodon …

2024-03-15: Count me in with people calling large-context machine learning models “spicy autocorrect” instead of …

2024-03-09: Did beta work using Production server is, but with handles on… …

2024-02-26: TBT to when the internet went out and I worked from a Starbucks (because their internet wasn’t from …

2024-02-26: TIL a Time Machine backup can fail because the disk you’re backing up (not the disk you’re backing …

2024-02-22: Thought I was going to send out some closed beta invites this weekend, but I ran into a snag with my …

2024-02-08: I’m trying to customize the account registration page in WordPress. The hooks for adding …

2024-02-03: Working on a color scheme… I don’t think I need any interface colors besides primary, …

2024-01-28: If you’ve been interested in Smolblog and you haven’t signed up for the mailing list, …

2024-01-20: OK, let’s try this monorepo business…

2024-01-19: Setting up test coverage checks for the framework behind Smolblog. Tested lines: 100% Saw that …

2024-01-19: File this one under “comically and colossally missing the point.”

2024-01-17: Just stop, Apple. I’m with John Gruber on this one: Whatever revenue Apple would lose to non-commissioned web …

2024-01-16: IT WORKS IT WORKS IT WORKS IT WORKS redacted because I don’t want you to follow my test account IT …

2024-01-16: All these sports betting apps encouraging me to make sports “more exciting” and “mean more.” No. I …

2024-01-13: Watching the NFL game, they’re showing the temperature difference between Kansas City and …

2024-01-12: Sometimes I feel lucky that ADD is so socially “acceptable” these days. Today, though… My pharmacy …

2024-01-09: We’re not who we were, and I’m so glad we’ve been able to grow alongside and with each other. Happy …

2024-01-07: Posting this and logging off: I’m trying to verify the HTTP signature on a Mastodon web …

2024-01-03: TFW a library you’ve been using/have a PR out for got abandoned so you started cleaning up your fork …

2023-12-29: I’ve been wanting to use readonly classes since PHP 8.2 came out a year ago, but I’ve …

2023-12-28: Fun game over on Bluesky that I wanted to share: what’s the best single line from a song? Most of …

2023-12-27: Is there some “dev mode” in Mastodon I can turn on to see (a) what ActivityPub messages …

2023-12-26: After trying and failing multiple times to get multiple Fediverse projects working inside my …

2023-12-25: For those that celebrate, hope you are having a wonderful Christmas. Today’s joy is a six-sided …

2023-12-24: Bookmarking this post comparing social media site interactions to UX dark patterns for the eventual …

2023-12-21: Testing time…

2023-12-17: From @brentsimmons’ post on adding Mastodon support to the RSS reader NetMewsWire: Such an app …

2023-12-17: Just wrote the last sentence of a story that comes in at just under 12k words. But I like this one …

2023-12-16: Bookmarking this article about moving from CRUD to Event Sourcing as it has some of the simplest …

2023-12-07: Fascinated by this talk by Gary Bernhardt about boundaries in software architecture. It’s validated …

2023-12-04: There are always going to be the free riders – tech companies, perhaps – who benefit from the …

2023-12-02: Last year Fortnite did a big in-game event to end Chapter 3 and launch Chapter 4. This year they had …

2023-11-30: Sometimes you get an error that just makes you want to walk into the ocean.

2023-11-30: I hate signing into my Google account on my phone. Because Google, a company run by Very Smart …

2023-11-29: It goes like this: Find out my company is using a product. Look at product. Find out they have a …

2023-11-28: And after resigning myself to just using a raw SQLite database to store my character/setting info, I …

2023-11-28: Started and stopped several attempts last night at finding some software to use as a character …

2023-11-24: Hey Stripe, what’s your black Friday dashboard say about the number of businesses having their …

2023-11-22: If you want to upload a file through an HTML form, be sure to set the content type to …

2023-11-15: Not me belting out a line from the song stuck in my head and pulling up to the drive thru window …

2023-11-13: Some belated Veterans Day words from a colleague who passed earlier this year: Please be mindful …

2023-11-09: Hearing rumblings of Tumblr being put on life support. I’m trying not to let it pressure me… But …

2023-11-07: I’ve been planning on using the AGPLv3 license for Smolblog and selling exception licenses. It …

2023-11-03: Some days you get an idea. Some days that idea doesn’t last.

2023-11-02: Redownloaded the Tetris app last night. Opened it this morning, clicked past the login prompt, hit …

2023-11-01: Finally checked my PO Box after way too long. Thanks for the sticker, @jean!

2023-10-31: “Lisdexamfetamine” scans to “God Bless America.” I can do no more with this cursed knowledge.

2023-10-27: Something I haven’t seen offered for the Apple “Scary Fast” event: the new whole-console CarPlay …

2023-10-27: Said goodbye to our dog Toby yesterday. We’ve had him since he was 3 months old, and he’s literally …

2023-10-22: Nothing like a Sunday afternoon at the emergency vet, but when your normally lethargic dog can’t lie …

2023-10-12: Nothing like getting an alert and seeing that whoever set it up set the threshold level to 9000…

2023-10-12: Anyone know of an end-user friendly cross-platform/cross-browser guide to installing a web app? …

2023-10-02: My old coworker Lax has been on his own journey of self-discovery and self-improvement, and he’s …

2023-10-01: I’ve got a poll running on my Mastodon asking how people are getting long form content these days. …

2023-10-01: So I thought the Toy Story Funday Football was gonna be a fun gimmick, but… It’s a tech demo. And …

2023-09-28: That’s How We’re Gonna Win: Not Fighting What We Hate, Saving What We Love. With that …

2023-09-17: Follow-up to a previous question: the WGA tightened their rules for talk shows after 2008: …

2023-09-16: Trying to avoid having a “quick” manual process instead of building another setting panel or extra …

2023-09-12: TiPhone. To go with the TiBook I never had.

2023-09-11: Genuine question: how is Drew Barrymore starting her show back without writers different from Conan, …

2023-09-11: Hot take: “Don’t Fear the Reaper” actually does need more cowbell.

2023-09-10: Bookmarking for later: Creating a card game in Tabletop Simulator.

2023-09-09: Been a fan of Cory Godbey for years and SUPER excited to see his work in the TCG world!

2023-09-05: Based on Stratechery’s summary of the Disney-Spectrum dispute du jour, I’m actually pulling for …

2023-09-01: A Stupidly Simple PHP Dependency Injection Container I’ve already written at length about dependency injection. And in the months since it’s …

2023-09-01: TFW you type docker compose stop when offboarding a client.

2023-08-31: I do not have all the time in the world, and my goals for Smolblog pretty much require it to be in …

2023-08-30: There’s a lot of chatter about measuring the productivity of software engineers, especially at …

2023-08-27: As an exercise, I tried seeing if I could make a quick middleware for adding content provinance …

2023-08-26: The studios’ (including Apple) behavior in these WGA and SAG/AFTRA strikes is… petty. Vindictive. …

2023-08-24: Smolblog is now (mostly) Micropub compliant. The exceptions are undeleting (may not implement), …

2023-08-22: Use Laravel’s Illuminate Database Query Builder With WordPress I’ve been working on Smolblog, a social web blogging app. To help me get to a minimally viable …

2023-08-21: This can’t be good…

2023-08-19: Looking forward to PubKit; definitely something the fediverse needs.

2023-08-18: Follow-up to last night’s gripe: on a Mac, there’s no difference between PictureDeleted.php and …

2023-08-17: Sometimes you gotta call it a night, even when the tests run fine on your machine but for some …

2023-08-13: Been thinking about streaming services lately...

2023-08-12: 4 years ago I wanted a gaming PC. Bought an Alienware because I didn’t want to go through the …

2023-08-10: Taliesin Jaffe’s face—as Sam Riegel does his weekly ad-read—is the epitome of …

2023-08-06: Nothing like getting up at 5:30 AM to clean up your dog’s forceful rejection of last night’s food. …

2023-07-29: Usually you listen to the code style plugin. But sometimes you need to remind it who’s boss. …

2023-07-27: Ok, anyone in my new social media orbit still play Animal Crossing on the switch? ‘Cause I’m …

2023-07-25: It’s nothing but a mostly-blank Jekyll site right now, but I want to start collecting documentation …

2023-07-24: This isn’t even half-assed. Quarter-assed at best. I’d expect this from a smaller Google or …

2023-07-19: It’s all about the little rituals.

2023-07-17: Officially moved my site to I’m already doing the occasional longer post via …

2023-07-12: The conversation around the impending thrediverse implies there’s this illusion of privacy …

2023-07-08: Your friendly reminder that the company telling us how many people are “joining” its “new” social …

2023-07-07: Ok, anyone got any good Micropub clients I should test against?

2023-07-06: Same, Piper; same.

2023-07-06: How these new chatbots are like TV psychics. Long article, but worth it. TL;DR: it has nothing to do …

2023-07-06: I honestly find it a little refreshing when one of the bloggers I admire has a genuinely bad take; …

2023-07-06: Yes I signed up for an account on the sewing app. Mostly to get my name (though it turns out it’s …

2023-07-01: Let's talk ownership There’s a gentle tension underpinning sites for user-generated content. User-generated content …

2023-07-01: To be clear: I don’t envy the level of scale Twitter has to operate at, and I appreciate the very …


2023-06-30: As someone who’s followed them since 1992, I feel a particular thrill knowing Apple’s worth three …

2023-06-30: Been isolating the data layer from the core domain model, largely because I know I’ll have to redo …

2023-06-25: No, I didn’t dependency-inject a microformats parser into the class just so I could call it …

2023-06-24: Ok, so ADD-brain resurrected the “Beef: it’s what’s for dinner” ads a month ago in my brain. And …

2023-06-20: Looks like Tumblr is selling domains now to the exclusion of external domains. I’m about 50/50 on …

2023-06-17: OK, Internet, you have very rarely disappointed me. So now I ask: Did anyone manage to save the …

2023-06-13: Y’know, I was afraid I was going to miss the Twitter cross-posting, but three out of four likes on …

2023-06-11: Is there a Mastodon server out there that people use for testing federation? Or do I just grab a …

2023-06-03: Gotta say, thoughts about constant advertising aside, I love when it takes advantage of the medium. …

2023-06-01: If there’s one thing the internet has taught me, it’s that there’s always someone …

2023-05-15: If I had any doubts about making the Smolblog app a Progressive Web App, they’re gone now. (via …

2023-05-12: I know this is the 1% of First World Problems… but I really don’t get recruiters that send …

2023-05-06: And we are officially at the stage of ruthlessly cutting anything that can be cut for a Minimally …

2023-04-30: I really hope these plants turn out well. We just planted a lemon tree, a poblano, and a mint. I …

2023-04-23: No, you’re writing a form builder because the thought of all that boilerplate is more daunting than …

2023-04-15: Bookmarking this older Mastodon blog post as an example of how an AGPL-licensed project can handle …

2023-04-14: Pour one out.

2023-04-11: First world problem here: my Jeni’s Pint Koozie kept slipping off my ice cream. Started to wonder if …

2023-04-08: Feels like I’m getting close to what I would call an MVP for Smolblog. Currently wiring up some …

2023-03-30: It looks like the new Twitter rules mean will stop posting to Twitter. So… yeah. See …

2023-03-27: My iOS app was released ten years ago today. It was first written between jobs amidst a lot of …

2023-03-23: Took a mental health day to recharge and clean a bit, so meet the new desktop! New this time: Air96 …

2023-03-16: YouTube TV: Hey, we’re losing MLB network. Me: Any price adjustments? YTTV: Yeah, it’s going up by …

2023-03-15: Sometimes it’s fun to see what I can do in one evening with my exclusively self-taught skills in …

2023-03-12: Heard that there are plans in place to take care of SVB’s customers. As someone employed by one of …

2023-03-04: This FreeCell app gives 10 points for moving cards to the foundation but deducts 5 for every other …

2023-03-01: Heads up if you had an active Tweetbot or Twitterific subscription, the developers are beginning …

2023-02-25: Okay, since LocalWP still doesn’t have PHP 8.0 (much less 8.2!), what’re people using …

2023-02-16: How are people getting their taxes done these days? Just found out my usual accountant isn’t …

2023-02-12: And Miller/Coors/Blue Moon gets the first genuine LOL of the night.

2023-02-11: So on Twitter I got a lot of news by osmosis. Anyone have any or fediverse accounts they …

2023-02-09: Does anyone know if the free Twitter API tier is one user per application? Or is it 1.5k tweets per …

2023-02-02: More Twitter changes! Except these might mean this blog might stop cross-posting. So you can also …

2023-01-31: What Discord do I join to discuss extensions to Markdown? 😉 No but seriously, what do y’all think of …

2023-01-23: 👀

2023-01-19: Just paid for my first text ad on a website. 😬

2023-01-18: The last straw, I guess... I’m not leaving Twitter, but I’ll be using it a lot less like I used to. I wish I could …

2023-01-17: Shoutout to App Store review for the < 24h turnaround! Also PillTimer 3.1 is now live! I did a …

2023-01-14: Maybe when Microsoft makes the new AI-powered Clippy, it’ll be able to do this? (via Bernice King on …

2023-01-13: If this neutering of Tweetbot is intentional and not a mistake, I will be using Twitter much less. …

2023-01-13: Looks like it’s still a great day to not be able to use Tweetbot?

2023-01-06: Microsoft doesn’t own the ending to Minecraft. It is now CC0-licensed and in the public domain.

2023-01-05: Getting some serious Elasticsearch vibes from WotC’s proposed changes to DnD’s open-source-like …

2023-01-05: I had to squeegee the inside of my windshield this morning.

2023-01-04: Bookmarking this write up on the Channels app solely because I have wanted an app that will make a …

2023-01-02: Under what conditions could the NFL, in good conscience, restart the game? (I know, I know, what …

2023-01-02: Who is asking for the game to restart? It makes a huge difference for me whether it’s the players or …

2022-12-25: Wake up everyone new Doctor Who trailer dropped

2022-12-24: Love seeing the state-sanctioned monopoly that got record profits last year threaten us to use less …

2022-12-23: Hoping to get serious about managing Smolblog properly in the new year. Does anyone recommend any …

2022-12-21: is not mastodon. I don’t know you’re following me. I can’t reblog/boost or see your …

2022-12-20: Been working on a diagram of how to get event sourcing to work for a blog with multiple post types. …

2022-12-18: In light of a certain site no longer permitting links to certain other social media sites, I propose …

2022-12-18: This is what it comes to. Argentina scores when I’m not in the house. France scores when I’m in the …

2022-12-17: Somehow, my mother-in-law found the 2004 Christmas compilation from now-dead label A Different Drum. …

2022-12-14: Don’t look now, but I think I might have my Twitter import working with unthreading. (Note the …

2022-12-10: Thinking about event sourcing as a way of enabling A statically generated website with partial …

2022-12-08: If you haven’t heard of Project Mushroom, it’s an online community centered around activism, …

2022-11-30: You’ve heard of a horse in a hospital? Get ready for a goat in a grocery store!

2022-11-29: 🎵 Gonna ask this again, like I do almost every year: anyone know any good new wave/retro …

2022-11-29: The Mythbusters said that lying down and resting is 90% as good as actual sleep. The day after …

2022-11-27: 🎵 Okay, what’re the songs that, if you let them, will absolutely make you cry? For me, it’s “Walk …

2022-11-26: I love a lot of what Marvel has done, but I loathe their 30-second “look at us” logo that they use …

2022-11-23: I tend to frequent a local coffee shop for waffles. Today’s soundtrack as I walked in was “I’m Still …

2022-11-22: Why am I oddEvan? There were two Evans. Even Evan lived across the hall. He was a very proportional …

2022-11-22: I’m a web developer. I have, if I’m honest, some pretty good skills in that area. And …

2022-11-22: And I’m back here. I’ve been working on my own social media replacement, but with …

2022-10-23: Building Smolblog: Separation My first exposure to the SOLID principles for object-oriented programming came from the senior …

2022-09-22: Building Smolblog: Open I’ve been meaning to blog more as I’ve been working on the actual Smolblog code. And, …

2022-07-04: Calling Long Distance Hey, it’s Evan… Oh, hey! Listen, I can’t answer the phone right now, but if you leave your name, …

2022-04-09: Introducing Grimoire

TL;DR: I'm building Deckbox but for Pokémon cards. Headless WordPress app with a Next.js/React …

2021-01-06: The Optimist Still Laments In September of 2020, I published a song called "The Optimist's Lament" that was one-half a listing …

2020-11-05: 2004 Evan is beyond psyched that “The Story Of Our Lives” now exists on vinyl. 2020 Evan …

2020-09-12: Looping Background Music With Intro in Godot Engine

Title is a mouthful, right? But this is something I've been trying and failing to find a clear …

2020-05-26: Retroactively Sign Git Commits It's a classic situation. You're contributing to a project, filed your pull request, and gotten it …

2019-08-15: Fixing oEmbed With a Custom Provider The story of my blogging career over the past few years could be summed up as, "How I Learned to …

2019-08-12: Hashing a Custom Taxonomy I have a confession. I like Pokémon. It'd really be more accurate to say I never stopped liking it. …

2019-05-28: Introducing Smolblog

Around the end of last year, I wrote an essay about what made Tumblr unique in the blogging world, …


2019-01-01: The symbology of New Year’s foods, courtesy @bethbrownables.

2018-12-29: Siri, I promise you I am not.

2018-12-23: Technology Cannot Make a Platform, But It Does Help

The web literally exists to share content. The first web browser was also a web editor. And ever …

2018-12-13: What Makes A Platform, or How Do We Recreate Old Blue

It’s not enough to just make something. It’s got to be worthwhile. So if we’re going to do this, …

2018-04-29: Review: Avengers: Infinity War

I appreciate the place that Avengers: Infinity War holds in the Marvel universe and in …

2017-04-28: I’d love to say something clever here.

2017-04-27: Hello world?

2017-03-06: Headcanon for Lego Batman

For the unfamiliar, a "headcanon" is a fan's interpretation of an aspect of a work that does not …

2017-02-12: This morning at @graceandpeacepres, paging @theburlygates @jellywynn and company…

2016-12-28: Shave and a haircut. First time clean shaven since…?

2016-09-10: Sonic Mania and the Triumph of Fan Culture

The livestream was cutting in and out. There was a constant buzzing that replaced most of the …

2016-09-03: So I Picked a Fight With CarMax

It started with an email:

Email from CarMax saying "Evan, remember that Mini you sold us?"

Let’s see, do I remember that Mini?

Picture of sky-blue 2009 Mini Cooper hardtop with white roof, mirrors, and stripes

Yes. Yes I do. Story time: …

2016-07-27: And so I end my #THE100DAYPROJECT with just under 25k words written. Not a bad showing IMO. All the …

2016-06-17: Day 60 of #THE100DAYPROJECT no way! Hopefully I can get this short story assembled when this is all …

2016-06-07: Day 50 in #THE100DAYPROJECT!!! Five hundred words for day fifty. #100FragmentsMakeOneHole

2016-05-28: Checking in for day 40! Spent most of these days with Sarah and Kiki, a few with Chef Justine and …

2016-05-19: Checking in the morning after day 30. Been spending a lot of time with Sarah and her A.I. …

2016-05-08: Checking in on #THE100DAYPROJECT Only one fan fiction sketch this time! Though is it really that …

2016-04-28: So #THE100DAYPROJECT continues. So far, I’m 50/50 fan fiction versus original stuff, with one …

2016-04-19: Okay, I did a 30-day writing challenge a while ago and it worked out okay I think. So a 100-day …

2016-04-02: I might be having more fun with #miitomo than I care to admit…


2015-07-13: Satoru Iwata My first great garage sale find was an original Nintendo Entertainment System with all the cords, 2 …

2015-02-26: First visit to @methodicalcoffee. Afternoon visit, so it’s tea.

2014-11-26: Justice I’ve largely been silent on the issue of Ferguson, MO. Most of what I’ve “said” on the topic have …

2014-09-06: The Lines Worth Reading Between Apple’s latest earnings have an interesting note: their research spending is the highest it’s been …

2014-07-23: Sad Lyrics Over Uplifting Chords I like Owl City. This is independent of my appreciation for Owl City. At their best, Owl City has a …

2014-07-23: I Like To Appreciate I appreciate a lot of things, and I like a lot of things. They are not necessarily the same things. …

2014-06-07: The New Television

It was a little over a year ago that Netflix CEO Reed Hastings laid out their strategy:

“The goal is …

2014-04-09: To Learn and Understand I am a big picture thinker and a perpetual dreamer. I love taking an idea and fleshing out the …

2014-03-10: I would love for @dapperink to #pressmycards .

2013-12-03: Why Apple Should Not Buy Nintendo They really shouldn’t. I want to set expectations up front, and when you’re talking about either …

2013-04-27: The Voice It was the middle of the night in the middle of winter my freshman year when God spoke to me. I was …

2013-01-31: I Tried To Make a Good "Blackbaud" Pun To Title This Post But Nothing Can Top "Raisers Edge" Today was my last official day at Blackbaud. Never you mind that I haven’t done any work for them …

2012-09-10: There's a Difference, Guys. Apple didn’t sue Samsung because they had a touchscreen phone. They didn’t sue because of rounded …

2012-03-26: Second #hipstamatic shot ever. First one used the flash, and I don’t. use. flash. #Hipstamatic …

2012-03-09: I still like my iPad 2 and it’s handmade #red case. #marchphotoaday

2012-03-08: Out my #window on the way home. #marchphotoaday

2012-03-07: #somethingiwore is always on my floor… Sorry @britthildreth. #marchphotoaday

2012-03-07: This Kony 2012 Stuff Having kept track of or been involved with Invisible Children in one way or another since 2006, I'm …

2012-03-06: #5pm and still banging my head against SQL server. #marchphotoaday

2012-03-04: I tend to be messy; my #bedside is no exception. #marchphotoaday

2012-03-02: Where most of my #fruit comes from these days. #marchphotoaday

2012-03-01: My definition of #up. #marchPhotoADay

2011-12-31: So Long... There's about 3 hours left in 2011 here in South Carolina. I'm probably going to do some new years …

2011-11-18: Much Ado About Money In light of recent jackwagonry put forth by Bank of America (and despite them abandoning said …

2011-10-15: They wouldn’t know what to do with all… this. #httyd


2011-09-20: Obligatory v2.0 shot. With Gotham Bold. Because I like that font, not because I would ever admit to …

2011-09-12: A gift from the amazing @britthildreth.

2011-09-09: My spoils from @craftparade, courtesy @shedlabs and Phoenix Fire Studios.

2011-09-08: OK, @mutemath, I expect awesomeness.

2011-09-03: Deliciousness

2011-08-20: And now for Leah!

2011-08-13: Moving @sholcombe in

2011-07-02: Hmm, what should I do with this…

2011-05-07: So noted. #fugraduation

2011-05-02: The Late Unpleasantness Have a few brief thoughts on this whole Bin Laden kerfluffle that are too long for twitter, so here …


2011-04-19: Yuengling. No filter necessary.

2011-03-21: My free drink: a time to be adventurous. /cc @Starbucks

2011-03-16: Seth Meyers was pretty much awesome.

2011-03-15: EPIC UNO BATTLE

2011-03-14: Signal dog is signaling

2011-03-13: SC Senior All-State Band

2011-03-12: The problem.

2011-02-15: I’ve had my car for 2 years now, and this is how I treat it.

2011-02-15: This is actually a ridiculously good idea.

2011-01-28: Breakfast of champions.

2011-01-19: Diagnosing kernel panics is fun!

2011-01-14: Nicely formed icicles.

2011-01-14: Nicely formed icicles.

2011-01-10: View from the office window

2011-01-10: View from the office window

2011-01-05: Our dog has an odd way of sleeping…

2011-01-05: Our dog has an odd way of sleeping…

2010-11-25: Tools of the trade

2010-11-25: Tools of the trade

2010-11-12: Friday afternoon guitar

2010-11-12: Friday afternoon guitar

2010-11-07: Pretty lights

2010-11-07: Pretty lights

2010-11-06: Today’s garage sale find.

2010-11-06: Today’s garage sale find.

2010-10-30: signs of a covenant

2010-10-30: signs of a covenant



2010-10-18: Hard to write a song on anything else.

2010-10-18: Hard to write a song on anything else.

2009-03-25: File Sharing Rant I’ve largely taken a back seat on the whole file sharing debate. However, now that I actually have a …

2009-03-17: Next To Godliness I had a job satisfaction crisis earlier in the week. In reality it was more of a life satisfaction …

2008-12-22: 2008: Time To Grow Up If I had to sum up 2008 in one word, it would be “woah.” If you could give me an extra …

2008-10-22: Scientific Voting Comments like this chicken-or-crap essay pointed out by John Gruber notwithstanding, I’m still on …

2008-03-27: We Are Hiring... O RLY? In the spirit of John Gruber I am going to bring the smack to this unsolicited e-mail I was just …

2008-02-26: Maybe I may or may not have attempted to grill pork on the stove. I may or may not have set off the smoke …

2008-02-14: Limericks Galore So the genius behind xkcd just opened up LimerickDB. Be warned, many (if not most) are definitely …

2007-08-09: The Screw Is Driven Thoughts while recovering from my first self-made screwdriver: I can’t tell if I made it stronger …

2007-08-01: Slick Roads + Evan Driving = Not Fun Sometimes God throws a curveball and it’s fun. Sometimes it’s not. I had a not-so-fun curveball this …

2007-06-21: Violence In Games If you haven’t heard about all the to-do about Manhunt 2, the wikipedia page has a nice summary. …

2006-12-21: The One I'm Waiting For We all have those mistakes. Mine was trading in my old NES for Final Fantasy VIII. And a used copy …

2006-12-19: Grace Grace. It’s a wonderful feeling, really. Getting what you don’t deserve. I guess that’s the lesson I …

2006-11-09: Providence As I mentioned in last night’s update, Dustin, my RUF minister here at Furman, was airlifted to the …

2006-05-15: Don't Panic They Say Random thoughts as I sit here at 12:42 AM doing Poly Sci work… I’m trying not to panic. It’s just …

2006-04-20: Energy Drinks Okay, so I just had a can of SoBe Adrenaline Rush, and I’m waiting for the kick to kick in. I mean, …

2006-03-29: Religion Importance Okay, I know there are lies, d**n lies, and statistics, but here’s some interesting statistics I …

2006-02-10: Flowers For Jack I left a note for Jack Thompson over at Joystiq that he’ll probably never read, though …

2006-01-18: Another Flame War The comments on this digg story have once again degraded into another flamewar. Because the simple …

2005-12-13: Disconnect Yeah, Evan’s in another one of his moods. For one thing, I’m listening to this song on continuous …

2005-09-04: I [heart] FU First news first: I’ve got a car. I’m not sure if I’ve said it in any of the previous posts, but I …

2005-06-16: Revolutionary Something Or Other My two cents on the Nintendo Revolution / Xbox 360 / PlayStation 3 debate, posted at Engadget: I’m …

2005-06-07: What the Crap Happened In this /. story Apple is reported to have officially switched to Intel processors, citing more …

2005-05-27: The Systm Is Down Okay, if you’re into technology, you really should check out Kevin Rose’s new downloadable show …